dine in stuff
Masa Mama is the taqueria that feels like home, if home had killer tacos and a vibe you actually want to hang out in. We’re all about keeping things fun, laid-back, and just the right amount of cool. You might come for the tacos, but let’s be honest—you’ll stay because you feel like you belong here. Go ahead, make a reservation. We’ll save you a seat (and probably a margarita, too).
Now for the booking deets.
Parties of 2 or less: 1.5 hours to savour those tacos.
Parties of 3 to 6 or more: 2 hours to really go for it.
Need to cancel? Please let us know at least 24 hours in advance.
Need more time? Got special requests? Hit us up at hola@masamama.com!
We cap reservations at 6 guests and require a credit card hold. No-shows and las minute cancellations? $10/person fee (because, come on). For bigger groups, check out our event booking options.
Patio and bar seating? First come, first served!